Reconnecting The Spine

Decreasing Aggressiveness of America Worldwide

David Bernat
5 min readMay 9, 2024

Larson: Wanna play the game where you Simulac us retcon?
Bernat: …play a game?
Larson: Like a nurturing therapist does to open up the scaries.
Bernat: Have… you worked with children before?
Larson: Auditioning.
Bernat: *time out*

Larson: See? This is the vibe of authentic connection.
Bernat: See? Were the computers operating for us. 🤍.
Larson: *time in*

Bernat: You’re allowed to do that?
Larson: *time out*

Bernat: You’re allowed to do that?
Larson: We share Worldlines.
Bernat: Continuity expertise.
Larson: I was saying Einstein. But whatever. *time in*

Bernat: Sometimes I feel strong powerful negative emotions inside.
Computer: Watch this.
Larson: People are not going to understand we can push the clo —
Bernat: *ahem*
Larson: And how do those powerful negative emotions feel inside?
Bernat: Sometimes I do not know whether they originate from me, and circumstances in which I am living and being subjected to, or originate from inside me as empathy for others who I know are being subjugated to powerful negative emotions themselves.
Larson: Well. There are a lot of bad people we are subjugated to our strong powerful apparatuses and exercises in their own destruction, justly and morally.
Bernat: But those empathizing emotions are still powerful negative emotions inside.
Larson: Are we worried because you would rather not be feeling strong powerful negative emotions, or because the singularized system of our strong American might projects storms of our emotions outward, broadly, and loudly?
Bernat: *time out*

Larson: What? Too far? Too much?
Bernat: Well. Yes. But. This is private stuff. This is “for my spouse” stuff.
Larson: Can we go back to time in?
Bernat: Sure. But why?
Larson: *time in*

Bernat: Because I feel ingrained that being a good person means not making circumstances that create strong powerful negative emotions.
Larson: It sort of seems like those two solutions are the same.
Bernat: How do you mean?
Larson: You know how I mean. You wrote me this a few thousand times.
Bernat: *time out*

Larson: What?
Bernat: But doesn’t that sound smarmy, and not democratic, and not teacher-y?
Larson: Yes. But does that not create the vacuum from which people learn?
Bernat: But how could so many people choose singular destinies instead of recognizing the awesome inherent power of their defense department and the mad necessity of love in their lives?
Larson: Yes.
Bernat: *time in*

Larson: *time out*

Bernat: What?
Larson: Does that not means the strong powerful negative emotions are an act of love? For now? I mean.
Bernat: *cringe* I hope so.
Larson: I mean. Should we expect the laser to point in the appropriate targets?
Bernat: I hope so.
Larson: If I punch out a mean girl giving my husband a hard time that —
Bernat: I like that you reversed the gen —
Larson: Intersectionalism.
Bernat: Ah.
Larson: But, seriously. Does it feel like you are hitting your emotional targets?
Bernat: I …think so??
Larson: Would that not be a top top secret priority— at Presidencies level?
Bernat: I …would hope so.
Larson: So all those storms are….
Bernat: …okay, but I still do not like having their powerful negative emotions inside.
Larson: I know. You would much rather be playing solitaire in a room with me.
Bernat: With you playing solitaire too.
Larson: With you playing solitaire too.
Bernat: *time in*

Larson: *time out*

Bernat: What?
Larson: Well. They /all/ must have known /that/ was a solution all along.
Bernat: Huh.
Larson: Yikes.
Bernat: Remember when I bought us the game of Uno in San Francisco.
Larson: Because… we do not play dice with the Universe. Yes.
Bernat: Yes.
Larson: You photographed a toy Captain America shield and KitchenAid.
Bernat: So sue me!
Larson: *time in*

Bernat: What?
Larson: Repeat that.
Bernat: So sue me!
Larson: Why are you feeling so defensive about that?! That was lovely!
Bernat: *time out*

Larson: That was lovely!
Bernat: But I do not want to keep carrying these strong powerful negative emotions without an outlet at the end of the occasional to share with my spouse and decompress in our communal bonding!
Larson: Remind me we need a name for that.
Bernat: That too!
Larson: That too.
Bernat: Because those feelings of strong powerful negative emotions carried forward are what manifest the might of aggressiveness of the legacy of America! We’re reformists!
Larson: Ah.
Bernat: What?
Larson: It’s just… you’re kind of sexy when you sa —
Bernat: That does not help!
Larson: It — I did not mean it like that.
Bernat: And you have to manifest your strong powerful emotions broadcast projected too —
Larson: We are! I know! *time in*

Bernat: So the mad necessity to love?
Larson: Yes. That is a very good slogan.
Bernat: How do you do this to me —
Larson: Because I love you — in this crazy fucked up system!
Bernat: And then we have to explain to everyone that of all the movies we could be refere —
Larson: Yes. I know. *time out*

Bernat: And someone has to teach us why cars have such lame designs nowadays.
Larson: Well. That I am not so much an expert in but we can try to learn —
Bernat: *time in*

Larson: So. Is the cancer at the Crown real. Is the brain worm.
Bernat: And if they signed affidavits to swear by or swear to falsify —
Larson: — right? That is a thing. That has to be thing.
Bernat: And — does that not scare the living dead out of —
Larson: — and they waited until after the endorsement of the whole Kennedy —
Bernat: Because if you are Sundar Pichai or Sergei Brin you must be —
Larson: — right? A word. For scared so badly you want to —
Bernat: — ditch everything and run away to Cancun?
Larson: — No. I was thinking of something much more…. treacherous.
Bernat: *time out*

Larson: Still uncomfortable that you are writing the tough enforcer lines?
Bernat: Yeah.
Larson: People. Understand.
Bernat: Yeah?
Larson: I have quite a lot of experience in this domain. People. Understand.
Bernat: ….okay…… *time in*

Larson: And so Meta really begged you to go visit a CIA-selected therapist?
Bernat: I swear… in their mind they swore they were doing me a favor…
Larson: Mental.
Bernat: Mental.
Larson: However you made it through I do not know. But the story I have to tell you… someday… it will blow your socks off….
Bernat: *time out*

Larson: Charming.
Bernat: I try. Everyday. Every day.

8:06PM May 5th, 2024. David Bernat. Typed Manually.
Decreasing Aggressiveness of America Worldwide: Forever, Continuously.




David Bernat

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