“Sorry, Bro: Love Bests Country”

“Definitely Not Obama. Definitely Not Trump.”

David Bernat
10 min readJun 5, 2024

Krugman: Okay.
Bernat: You had to have known.
Krugman: Joe. Is not Biden.
Bernat: The /arrogance/.
Krugman: And the threaded that through Israel.
Bernat: Can you /imagine/?
Krugman: So they build their own war machines.
Bernat: Defense did not allow them.
Krugman: And you can see this?
Bernat: Can I /see/ this?
Krugman: I see.
Bernat: What are we talking about here?
Krugman: Your Wife.
Bernat: And Equality.
Krugman: I was very deeply afraid of that. He /is/ a monster.

Bernat: Bo. Sit down.
Krugman: The dog. The initials. The Department of Energy.
Bernat: Bo. How much of you did you want to cover up?
Obama: I am /the President/. I will not take /orders/ from a.. /cadet/.
Bernat: Bo. Did the National Security Advisor deliver me my ring?
Obama: No.
Bernat: Then why is the New York Times reporting so?
Obama: Because! What do you want me to do? Give a hospital to Iran?!
Bernat: Yes. Actually. UPenn is four years into proton cancer therapy.
Obama: How would you even know tha —
Defense: Because he wrote the plan.
Obama: Read the document?! It does not make any sense?!
Krugman: To /you/.
Obama: I am the smartest lawyer Harvard has had in a quarter cen —
Bernat: Bo. Sit down. *feet on desk*
Bailiff: *approaches Obama*
Bernat: Bo. The documents only needed to make sense to the AI.
Defense: *screaming* THANK YOU! ARREST HIM!
Bernat: The gaps only needed to be identified. Communicated to me.
Defense :*screaming* THROW AWAY THE KEY!
Bernat: No. But lock him away for the very long time.

Trump: The first time, you think “sure. what is one prostitute. why not?”
Bernat: I know. Sit down.
Trump: The third or fourth time you are thinking you have a wife at home.
Bernat: I know. I know. Please. You can speak freely here.
Trump: Then you ask the bigger questions. Why? Why would they ask this?
Bernat: *hands Trump a tissue* I know. And no answer is good. I know.
Trump: *holding tissue* What am I supposed to do with this?
Krugman: *watching trial* Holy shit. This was on national television.
Trump: *holding tissue* What am I supposed to do with this?
Bernat: You are a safe space here.
Trump: *lays down on couch, stares at ceiling* And I knew Obama did it.
Bernat: Let it all out.
Trump: *stares at ceiling* And you think “do all the politicians do this”?
Bernat: Do you ever ask how they got a man named Tony Quinn Warner?
Trump: *stares at ceiling* Ask who?
Defense: *screaming* THANK YOU! ARREST HIM! LOCK HIM UP!
Krugman: *watching trial, to editors* It is on [expletive] national television.

Bernat: So then, out of nowhere, they say they do not want to hire me!
Defense: Thank you. Did you talk to the other guy?
Bernat: Oh *laughs* he says he knows Musk. I have heard that one before.
Defense: And what did he ask you to deliver?
Bernat: So I showed him my code for fire evacuations. Pre-product ready.
Defense: And these were the same algorithms for NOAA and AUS BOM?
Bernat: I told him I wanted to wait two days to get back to him on that.
Defense: Thank you. And did you record what happened next?
Bernat: Harris starts screaming about Climate Justice. Seemed good to me.
Defense: Okay. And what else were you seeing happening?
Bernat: MTG was screaming about Jewish Space Lasers. Did not support.
Defense: Thank you. And when did you understand what Harris meant?
Bernat: The fire in Maui. But I had been to Maui. So it had to be extra bad.
Defense: Thank you.

Krugman: Dumb it down for me. Presidencies for Dummies. Okay?
Bernat: There is the President. He creates news around his Presidency.
Krugman: News and all that serves the Presidency.
Bernat: Aggregators go mushroom foraging to Frankenstein an opponent.
Krugman: Does that not create foreign interpretation?
Bernat: Which is what economics is fo — uh, the NSA reflects back into US.
Krugman: So you are suggesting all of recessions are caused by this system?
Bernat: Do you want the Schoolhouse version? Or the Prison version?
Krugman: Oh [expletive]. I am so sorry.
Bernat: *chuckles* Uh huh.

Defense: You are misreading the intention. It is a proposition to her.
NSC: Sure.
Defense: But also a rebuke of the NSA and CIA.
NSC: A /rebuke/?
Defense: “Aye. Fuck you. Here is what we will do. If Hollywood goes in.”
NSC: The CIA is responsible?
Defense: The CIA asked the standard questions.
NSC: And his response was to invite a high profile fiancée to broadcast it?
Defense: Uh huh. *chuckles*
NSC: Lock them up.
Defense: /Yeah/. *chuckles*
NSC: Lock them all the [expletive] up. Are you for serious?
Defense: Turnip truck meets Jedi serious.
NSC: Every last [expletive] one of them. Where are we on chip production?
Defense: Fine. We can be way ahead of schedule by next Spring 2021.

Bernat: Carter, of course, is clean. He is a wonderful choir boy.
Krugman: *covers face in horror* Of course he is.
Bernat: The wife of Bush Sr. seems to have passed muster.
Krugman: *flips booklet to Sanders and Warren* Okay.
Bernat: Clinton was passable. Intermittently. Before Hillary.
Krugman: *turns to junior farm teams, surprised* Really?
Bernat: Kennedy was no problem.
Krugman: *flips through corners of binders* Because everybody knew.
Bernat: Roosevelt was sharp. He did a lot of it for his wife. Because of her.
Krugman: *turns back gigantic flip* Because she was a closeted lesbian.
Bernat: *chuckles* *blushes* That was the Bush VSE problem.
Krugman: *peers into between two past pages* She was unhappy.
Bernat: *clears throat* You can see /that/ in the progression of pornogra —
Krugman: May I Plead the Fifth here?
Bernat: *points to camera* Are people /really/ into step-sibling *clears throat* stuff?
Krugman: Oracle.
Bernat: *clears throat* You have to be pretty deep in CIA history weeds to —
Krugman: — to know something like that. The original internet paid by porn.
Bernat: Yes. And you cannot even get an Editor for WaPo who is not a Brit?
Krugman: *chuckles*
Bernat: Yeah. *chuckles* You understand.
Krugman: So you lock them all up. Begin arresting the Presidents of the United States.
Bernat: His wife was a real hellcat. I am presuming.
Krugman: Carter.
Bernat: In a good way.
Krugman: *chuckles* *flips through booklet*
Bernat: Yeah. *chuckles* You understand.

Krugman: Congratulations on the higher number.
Bernat: That is how you do it.
Krugman: How?
Bernat: *chuckles* I presume I will write the book while I unpack.

Bernat: So, anyway. That is how we crashed FTX.
Krugman: How?
Bernat: Though Changpeng Zhao will definitely be a little annoyed with me.
Krugman: Why?
Bernat: I hope he was actually guilty.
Krugman: What?
Bernat: Because I promised to buy my Tesla with Bitcoin. And I did.
Krugman: When?
Bernat: Defense would not arrest people on me not actually guilty. Right?
Krugman: Who?
Bernat: I presume all of them. That is why I keep emailing you about them.
Krugman: Where are you right now?
Bernat: What? *sips coffee*

Bernat: So, anyway. A President creates this aura about them.
Krugman: And so your Wife has to Frankenstein herself into One.
Bernat: Except that system is mostly immutable. Advancing. Moving.
Krugman: Economics.
Bernat: Only one part. And only its liquidity. But she has to build it herself.
Krugman: How can that be done without conflicting with you directly?
Bernat: *hugs self* She could love me more than anything in the world.
Krugman: *chuckles* You would always be competing against each other.
Bernat: I could give a long soliloquy on NAFTA and healthcare for you or…
Krugman: Bond markets.
Bernat: *chuckles* We conversed about this a few thousand times already.

Krugman: /And/ you have to create a reflection of your Wife in its society.
Bernat: *chuckles* There is a revenge more painful than heartbreak here.
Krugman: Wow. Brutal. Brutal.
Bernat: *closes eyes real hard* I love /my Wife/. *pushes send*
Krugman: I remember that story. I remember that story all too well too.
Bernat: *chuckles* I presume I will write /that/ book while I unpack.

Krugman: Biden is a good guy. You cannot just destroy a Preside — oh.
Bernat: Do you want the part where this is this easy or this is this hard?
Krugman: *checks notes* Been meaning to ask. Is “good jobs” uh… Apple?
Bernat: You mean was Walsh buying Apple out of the pandemic jail cells?
Krugman: *flips notes pages* That is not… *flips notes*… inconceivable.
Bernat: *sips coffee* Mmm.
Krugman: “Hmm” as in you are thinking? Or “Hmm” as in Y Combinator?

Defense: How does he know she exists?
NSC: He saw it in Obamacare. He just went in through Space.
Defense: Have Krugman publish next year. Editorials. No new content.
NSC: *chuckles* Long live the Times. Disney will have conniptions.
Defense: Why Obamacare and not from the pandemic documents?
NSC: Infrastructure. He went up through those with Nuclear.
Defense: Fascinating.
NSC: Infrastructure. So, he is two /Presidencies/. Like his docs.
Defense: Infrastructure is building, comms, or personnel?
NSC: Building. Did you give him any deep energy tests?
Defense: He did fine. He is a physicist. Of merit.
NSC: /Really/? And is he *clears throat* uh…
Defense: *chuckles* He is relatable.
NSC: /Really/? How does he know she exists already?
Defense: And he saw it in Obamacare?
NSC: So, she is two /Presidencies/ also. [expletive] hell!
Defense: *chuckles* How many could there even be?
NSC: How does he know she exists already?

Bernat: *throws down newspapers*
Krugman: What does it even mean to have Defense build a dating platform?

Bernat: *spreads out content* So, she —
Krugman: Yeah.
Bernat: And probably a base camper. Not avid. Trekking.
Krugman: Parks & Recreation.
Bernat: And Israeli-ish. I think?
Krugman: Because of the lead in the applesauce?
Bernat: She /definitely/ hates them for the pandemic as much as I do.
Krugman: She’s a butterfly.
Bernat: Mmm. Remind me to explain that term to you eventually.
Krugman: *inserts into scheduler* What confidence level?
Bernat: Top Secret.
Krugman: Okay. I will mark this as Top Secret.
Bernat: No. I mean the confidence level is Top Secret.
Krugman: *chuckles* Third Base.
Bernat: Funny.
Krugman: Sorry.
Bernat: And I am almost certain she is not in an Armed Forces service?
Krugman: Because “carpal tunnel syndrome” would have passed U.K.?
Bernat: The Haley polls were encouraging.
Krugman: And you are sure that is not comet cross contamination?
Bernat: Took a few weeks. Encouraging. Even for all my traveling to S.C.
Krugman: What about your applications to the Research Triangle?
Bernat: *sips coffee* Apparently all that is bundled into metro-Space now.
Krugman: *apprehensive* …all of it?
Bernat: Apparently they are colliding the pandemic into Obama?
Krugman: So, the Air Force is definitely the old new Star Wars.
Bernat: *slides paper across desk* There is your Veterans Administration.
Krugman: [expletive].
Bernat: I told you. *sips coffee* We have to blame *clears throat* Utah.
Krugman: War crimes and death penalties.
Bernat: She was probably an original theatergoer.
Krugman: Of Barbie.
Bernat: And the other one.
Krugman: The Air Force one.
Bernat: She probably saw Oppenheimer too.
Krugman: *chuckles*
Bernat: Yeah. It is a funny thought.
Krugman: *chuckles* It is a /really/ funny thought.
Bernat: I was surprised. He did not /quite/ strike me as me.
Krugman: *chuckles* You lucky d — uh… something something something.
Bernat: Was just on a winning streak.
Krugman: Exactly.
Bernat: *chuckles* That /is/ what the old new Star Wars is about.
Krugman: I have seen it.
Bernat: Do not tell anybody. Please.

Bernat: *chuckles* I honestly do not know why Meta doe —
Krugman: — how Meta no longer exists? At all.
Bernat: And its shareholders!
Krugman: Each of those business records are going to be on the table someday. Each of those companies throughout each of its ecosystems.
Bernat: Please. Do not tell anybody. Wife.
Krugman: *spreads out newspapers* *chuckles* Your secret is safe with me.
Bernat: /Seriously/. What were /any of them/ ever thinking?
Krugman: *chuckles* Whatever confidence level.

GeneralAtomics: We have words worse than /offensive/. Do not you worry.
Bernat: I cannot even fathom the gall. To artificial relate all of that.
GeneralAtomics: /As if/ we were not checking on this every single day.
Bernat: Are we even beyond the era of reporting targets as meme numbers?
GeneralAtomics: Look at Warren Buffet. They even got to him. All of Mag7.
Bernat: So, basically infinite power. And they pretended this did not exist.
GeneralAtomics: It was a good book recommendation. Do not you worry.
Bernat: *chuckles*

Bernat: *clears throat* *taps podium* This is a developing story.
Wife: I understand. So does my sister. *chuckles*
Bernat: I like where your head is at.
Wife: *mockingly* “I am something of a Captains Marvels myself.”
Bernat: HAHAHA! 👨🏻‍🏫. I remember.
Wife: *chuckles* Do not worry. I figured it out a few years ago too.
Bernat: *sigh* They say I am supposed to work from home.
Wife: *sigh* Except not work. *chuckles*
Bernat: *chuckles* I know.
Wife: *chuckles* We will be /very/ /very/ wealthy, and have three.
Bernat: *chuckles* *mockingly* “Not much has changed 🎨.”
Wife: HAHAHA! 👩🏼‍🏫. I remember.

6:06PM 6/5/24. Bernat. Wife. Bernat/Wife. Presidencies. *snap* The snap.



David Bernat

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